The People of Indonesia

Part of every neighborhood--the chickens,
sometimes penned and often, not.

The younger children were usually frightened of us "Bules."

Rhama Raharja's family, Bianca, Alex, Lorieta. 

A VERY common sight in any city.
Indonesians are always happy to
have their picture taken.
Anytime we were on a hike in the "wilds,"
we found people carrying heavy loads on the trails. 

Downtown Surabaya at Hindu Temple.

Whenever we visited President Adrian in Surabaya,
we saw this elderly couple on the curb.

At the outdoor pasars you'll find different produce,
meat, and many interesting items.

At 7:30 a.m. on our morning walk in Jakarta.
Oh, to sleep so soundly in the middle of traffic!

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